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Nelson Junior Baseball

This information is from 2024. Information for Spring 2025 will be updated soon!
Current info we have:
Assessment dates for 3rd-8th grade is set for Sunday, February 2, 2025. This is mandatory for all players.
Fed call backs will be held Wednesday, February 5, 2025. 

I can’t believe that we’re just one week away from assessments for the Spring 2024 season! Wanted to share some details so you’re all prepared for Sunday, February 4th. 

Minors: 10am-11:30am
Juniors: 12pm-1:30pm
Seniors: 2pm-3:30pm

Check-in process:
Arrive 30 minutes prior to your assessment time (Minors -9:30am, Juniors-11:30am, Seniors-1:30pm) and make your way to the undercover area near the restrooms. Your player will be fitted for their league jersey and hat. Once that is completed, you will be given your assessment number. Please, please, PLEASE make sure your player has been fitted for their jersey before coming to the table for their assessment number. That will help avoid having to schedule individual sessions for try on. We’re looking for 4-6 volunteers to assist with this process. Send us an email or text me if you’d like to help (971-506-8372) Please don’t make me attempt this on my own 😊

REMEMBER YOUR PLAYER’S ASSESSMENT NUMBER! These numbers will be posted to the website for federal call backs. Write it down, take a photo, whatever you have to do to remember.

If you are planning to coach, please see me at the check-in table. We will have coach assessment sheets so you can evaluate players for personal use in the draft if needed. (Coach evaluation sheets are not official assessment scores and will not be used to select federal teams)

Once your player is checked in and has their assessment number, have them head over to the dugouts and hang up their gear. At this time, we ask that parents exit the facility. Go run errands, go for a walk on the track, or wait in your vehicle.

Assessment process:
Matt Ford will gather the group from the dugout and lead them to the field to begin warm-ups at their listed assessment time (Minors-10am, Juniors-12pm, Seniors-2pm). Warm-ups will be part of the assessment, so no need to throw ahead of time. They will then be split into groups and take part in infield and outfield drills, hitting, pitching and running. Weather permitting, we will be on the outdoor fields, so please dress accordingly. Players may wear molded cleats, turf shoes or regular tennis shoes. NO METAL CLEATS.

Players will be dismissed as a group once all stations have been completed.

Federal call-back process:
Federal call backs will be determined Monday, February 5th. You will be notified via email Monday night if your player has been selected to return for a call back. We will also post assessment numbers to the website.

Federal call backs will be held Wednesday, February 7th at Nelson High School.
Minors: 5:30-6:15pm
Juniors: 6:30-7:15pm
Seniors: 7:30-8:15pm
Please arrive 10 minutes early for check-in. Federal team selections will be posted to the website and social media on Wednesday night. Make sure you're following us on Instagram and Facebook!

If your player is not selected for call backs and/or is not selected the federal team, you will hear from a coach by March 1st. We’ll likely be holding drafts the week of February 12th or 19th. 

I know that was a lot of info! Please let me know if you have any specific questions regarding the assessment process, or if you’d like to assist with jersey try on.

Looking forward to a great season of Hawks baseball!

Contact Us

Nelson Junior Baseball Organization

PO BOX 2140 
Clackamas, Oregon 97015

Email Us: [email protected]
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